I am a visual artist exploring societal wars informed by politics and establishment through mixed media assemblages, mixed media paper and digital collage.

My creative process often begins with found objects—symbolic pieces from my "box of treasures" collected over the years. Miss Conception, the first piece in Trapped, features a bloodstained rat trap juxtaposed with a Peruvian painting of the Madonna and child. This body of work involves the use of rat traps, reflecting the sense of entrapment many of us feel—be it political, social, or personal. Holy Trap, a seven-foot cross constructed from 34 rat traps, stands as a poignant critique of religious and political dogma. This piece, like much of my work, has a mix of humor and gravity, encouraging viewers to confront uncomfortable truths while appreciating the absurdity.

In the Music Series I have translated my auditory experiences into visual narratives that are still relevant today. Delilah Blue, a song about aging drag queens evicted from a motel spurred the series of digital and paper collages made from photography and illustrated elements. 

As I work, spontaneity is key. Each piece evolves organically, guided by my found materials and the collective emotions of the moment. My work remains dynamic and responsive to both personal introspection and external events. Themes of gun violence, government overreach, and the intersection of church and state frequently surface, reflecting my engagement with contemporary issues.

While my pieces often stem from a place of anger or sadness, they are tempered with a sense of humor and hope.